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  • Do I have to take every class, every semester?"
    No. We have 6 different classes for you to choose from for the Fall and Winter Semesters and three in the Spring. If you intend on enrolling as a Scholar Program student, then you will want to take a “full load” of classes to be on track for licensing in three or four years.
  • What is an auditing student?
    An auditing student is one who is attending NCBI for personal enrichment. It allows you to sit in on the classes being taught without the requirement of taking exams or completing course requirements to gain credit points. An auditing student does not receive a Certificate of Completion at the end of the school year or participate in graduation ceremonies.
  • Do I have to pay all at once?
    With the exception of the $50, one-time application fee, tuition payment arrangements can be made with the Dean of Students. Tuition payments will be scheduled so the student will be paid in full prior to the next semester beginning. Payment schedules are private and considered on an individual basis.
  • What classes are being offered this year?
    We have 15 classes scheduled for the 2020/2021 school year. For detailed information and to see this year’s Course Schedule, click here.
  • What is a Scholar Program student?
    This is an individual that has felt a call to ministry on their lives. These individuals will be committing to a three or four year program of in-depth Biblical study and practical application. For more information, please see “Scholar Program” in the Student Handbook, here.
  • What is the difference between a Licensed Minister and an Ordained Minister?
    In today’s church “society” this can be a difficult and broad question. As churches, and society as a whole, continues to change, it can be difficult to gain “entry” into certain denominations without the proper certifications. The last thing a pastor wants behind his pulpit or serving his people, is someone who is not doctrinally sound or is just “playing church.” A Licensed Minister is someone who is called into the Ministry of Helps where their involvement is part time and not considered their “career.” These ministers are typically grounded in their local church, helping serve the people in a leadership role as the Pastor sees fit. Licensing typically expires and its recipient evaluated over a specific amount of time for renewal and ministry activity and effectiveness. An Ordained Minister is someone called into the ministry full time. This is one-time licensing and is given with the oversight and prayerful consideration of the local Pastor. They are considered to be sound doctrinally and live a life for Christ beyond reproach. Regulations also vary within certain denominations. Some traveling ministers must carry some form of licensing or ordination to be considered for ministry with a particular denomination. Legal requirements for conducting ministry-related activities or even filing for tax deductions can vary state-to-state. For example, in the state of Texas a licensed minister can perform weddings, but in Arkansas you must be ordained to do so. Also, to serve as a Chaplain at hospitals, for the police, etc. you must be ordained.
  • How much does it cost?
    Currently, for the 2021/2022 school year, it is $14.00 per credit hour. Each class, unless otherwise specified in the Student Handbook, is 3 credit hours each. This does not include the cost of books or other required materials.
  • What if I just want to attend so I can learn more about the Bible?
    Please do! See “What is an Auditing Student?” above!
  • Is NCBI Accredited?
    At this time, NCBI is not accredited, but we have made necessary contacts with an accrediting institution and we are on track to becoming accredited within a short amount of time.
  • Will my credits transfer to another institution?
    Typically, no—even with school accreditation. Each institution maintains their own requirements for credit and student transfer. NCBI will gladly provide information, with the student’s written consent, to the transferring institution upon request.
  • What is the Student Portal and how do I log in?
    The Student Portal is for enrolled students of NCBI. Here you will find your permanent Student Record, grades, payments, etc. You'll also be able to interact with other students and instructors in groups and forums centered around your learning! To log in, click the "Log In" icon at the top of the page, or if you're already logged in, click here.
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